Sectors We Serve

Johari360° works across all sectors, specifically highlighting healthcare, finance, legal, manufacturing and Venture Capitalist firms. Our unique approach sets us apart with innovation, quality, customer service, sustainability, and growth.

Bespoke - Aligned to Your Organisational Strategy

Johari360° works across all sectors, specifically highlighting healthcare, finance, law, manufacturing and for venture capitalist firms. Our unique approach sets us apart with innovation, quality, customer service, sustainability, and growth, setting industry standards.

How it Works

Our team will engage with your organisation using our 4-step methodology to understand what outcomes you would love to achieve using Johari360°. Understanding your ambition, goals, and strategy is vital for our team to design the bespoke evaluation for your organisation.


immersion - understand the Business strategy


Build assessment based on the organisation's desired outcomes & strategy


Agree participants and communicate the plan


Send 360° assessment, analyse and feedback report



A Johari360° evaluation benefits law firms by providing comprehensive feedback from peers, subordinates, supervisors, and clients. This multi-perspective approach enhances self-awareness, enabling lawyers to understand how their behaviour and work are perceived and fostering personal and professional growth. Improved self-awareness leads to better interpersonal skills and client interactions.

The evaluation promotes better team dynamics by revealing how colleagues view each other, aiding conflict resolution and enhancing collaboration. Including client feedback ensures lawyers meet client expectations, boosting client satisfaction and retention.
Professional development is targeted more effectively as specific areas for improvement are identified, facilitating targeted training and mentorship. The process fosters a culture of transparency and trust, encouraging constructive feedback.

Objective evaluations from multiple sources reduce bias and provide a solid basis for promotion decisions, enhancing accountability and motivating consistent high performance. Engaging colleagues in this feedback process increases job satisfaction and retention by creating clear career paths. Regular reviews and action plans based on feedback ensure continuous improvement, making 360° evaluations a valuable tool for law firms.


A 360° evaluation is highly beneficial in accountancy, focusing on collaboration, compliance, client relations, and continuous learning. This evaluation method gathers feedback from peers, subordinates, supervisors, and clients, providing a comprehensive view of an accountant’s performance. Interdisciplinary collaboration is essential, with feedback helping to improve teamwork within and across departments and ensuring accurate and efficient financial workflows.

Compliance is another critical aspect, with evaluations assessing adherence to regulatory standards, accuracy in financial reporting, ethical practices, and internal audit requirements. Client relations emphasise effective communication, responsiveness, and building strong client relationships and trust. Continuous learning is also a key focus, promoting professional development, staying updated with changes in accounting standards and financial technologies, and creating personalised improvement plans based on feedback.

Implementing 360° evaluations requires ensuring feedback anonymity and sensitivity to encourage honest and constructive responses. Overall, our 360° evaluations in accountancy emphasise teamwork, regulatory compliance, client relations, and continuous education, making it a valuable tool for enhancing the quality of service and professional growth within the field.



In healthcare, a Johari360° evaluation is highly beneficial as it focuses on interdisciplinary collaboration, compliance, emotional intelligence, and continuous learning. This evaluation method includes feedback from a diverse range of professionals, such as doctors, nurses, technicians, and administrative staff, to improve teamwork and care coordination. It also assesses adherence to healthcare regulations, safety protocols, hygiene, and patient safety measures, ensuring high standards of care.

Emotional intelligence is another critical aspect, with the evaluation highlighting empathy, compassion, and stress management, which are essential for handling high-pressure situations. Continuous learning is emphasised, with a focus on professional development, staying updated with medical advancements, and creating personalised improvement plans based on feedback.

Implementing 360° evaluations requires ensuring feedback anonymity and sensitivity due to the personal nature of healthcare, which encourages honest responses and appropriate handling. Overall, 360° evaluations in healthcare emphasise teamwork, regulatory adherence, emotional intelligence, and ongoing education, making it a vital tool for enhancing the quality of care and professional growth.


A 360° evaluation in manufacturing is highly beneficial, focusing on teamwork, compliance, safety, and continuous improvement. This evaluation method gathers feedback from peers, subordinates, supervisors, and possibly external partners, providing a comprehensive view of an employee’s performance. Teamwork is crucial in manufacturing, with feedback helping to improve collaboration on the production floor, across shifts, and between departments, ensuring smooth and efficient operations.

Compliance is critical, with evaluations assessing adherence to industry regulations, quality control standards, and internal procedures. Safety is paramount in manufacturing environments, so evaluations often emphasise adherence to safety protocols, proactive risk management, and a safe workplace.

Continuous improvement is also a key focus, promoting professional development, problem-solving skills, and innovative thinking. Feedback can identify areas for training and development, fostering a culture of ongoing learning and adaptation to new technologies and processes.

Overall, 360° evaluations in manufacturing emphasise teamwork, regulatory compliance, safety, and continuous improvement, making it a valuable tool for enhancing operational efficiency, product quality, and professional growth within the industry.

Venture Capitalist

Venture Capitalist

Venture capitalists can employ Johari360° evaluations to enhance their due diligence processes, both pre- and post-investment, focusing on assessing and maximising the effectiveness of C-suite executives within portfolio companies. Before investing, these evaluations gather comprehensive feedback from peers, subordinates, and external stakeholders to evaluate leadership capabilities, decision-making prowess, and strategic vision alignment with market opportunities. This helps VCs gauge executives' readiness to manage operations and navigate industry challenges effectively.

Following investment, ongoing 360° evaluations are crucial in monitoring executive performance and ensuring the execution of strategic initiatives. They provide a structured approach to tracking progress towards key performance indicators and identifying areas for improvement in leadership competencies. Feedback from evaluations guides targeted development efforts, including coaching and training programs tailored to enhance leadership skills and foster a collaborative organizational culture.

By integrating these evaluations into their investment strategies, venture capitalists can effectively support portfolio companies in achieving sustainable growth and operational excellence under capable and accountable leadership.

Our Blogs to Read


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